Herman Vladimir Ruíz Abecasis


Herman Vladimir Ruíz Abecasis is a Peruvian biologist, born in Loreto, with extensive experience in the evaluation of biological diversity, and practice in the management of natural protected areas by the government in the Peruvian Amazon. As an environmental specialist, Abecasis has worked in the development of scientific reports, and environmental impact assessments in connection to oil drilling in the Amazon basin. He has done extensive work with communities in the interior of the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, implementing programs of environmental education and natural resource management, for the sustainable use of flora and fauna in Peruvian national reserves. As a biologist he has also worked as an Environmental Specialist of the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve and, and for Pronaturaleza, he has worked as coordinator of the project “Strengthening of Tourism Management and Management of Natural Resources in the Pacaya Samiria National Reserve”. In regards to the assessment of water systems of Amazonia, Abecasis wrote the book article “Amazonia: Looking for the Earthly Eden and Finding the Planet’s Next Landfill” (Ecological Crisis and Cultural Representation in Latin America, Lexington books, 2016) along with the Colombian biologist Diego Mejía and Juan Carlos Galeano. Through his career in Perú, Abecasis has held positions in public and private institutions, gaining experience not only in natural resources, but also in the management of human resources as he has served as head of the National Reserve of Pacaya Samiria National Reserve in the Amazon basin. He is currently director of the Alpahuallo Mishana Reserve in the Peruvian Amazon.

