Rong-feng Hsieh


Jasper Rong-feng Hsieh is Associate Professor in the Department of Theatre Arts at National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan. He holds an MA in arts administration and a DBA with strategic management concentration, both from Golden Gate University in San Francisco, California. Prior to joining the academic community. He has been a senior arts administrator for different cities’ cultural agencies and professional arts organizations in Taiwan. Hsieh teaches arts management in graduate program and conducts research in the areas of strategic management and entrepreneurship in arts and cultural sectors. He engaged students in a series of experimental projects and action research related to the incorporation of tourism entrepreneurship and community development in the historic harbor district of Kaohsiung, Taiwan, local communities, and arts institutions. He has also been engaged in arts entrepreneuring and the sphere of innovation incubation, providing counseling on the establishment, management, and marketing of cultural and creative micro-enterprises in local communities.